How To Introduce Yourself


How To Introduce Yourself

We all know that in the increasingly complex life we lead, the virtues we hold determine our competence. But the first impressions we create are important in building and maintaining a relationship — be it an acquaintance, a business partner or a new family member. All of this depends on how you introduce yourself. The technique for presenting yourself lies in your own hands! Whether personal or professional, there is an art of initiating a conversation and making a reputation. To do this, confidence, presence of mind and charm is necessary. There are certain unwritten rules to follow when you introduce yourself to a stranger and this really matters when it comes to a more formal event. There are other times, when you may have to do this via emails or even on telephonic conferences. There are different ways to conduct yourself on each of these occasions. The following section will guide you on how to introduce yourself in person, through email and over the phone.

Self Introduction Tips

In Person

    • The first and foremost thing you must do is maintain eye contact with the other person. This gesture alone speaks volumes about your self-confidence. It is always better to begin a sentence with “I’d like to introduce myself” since it grabs the attention of the listener before you say your name. You may also start with a simple salutation such as “hello” or “hi” followed by your name. For example, “Hello, I’m Anne”.
    • Do not forget to shake hands as this ensures a certain security and helps the other person relate to you. Be gentle and firm while doing so. A feeble or tight handshake can instantly either bore or scare away the person.
    • Say your full name and immediately ask for the same from the other person. If you are unsure of their name then repeat by saying: It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. James”. This has a double benefit: It helps you remember the name and also creates an impression that you value the person.
    • There is no better ice-breaker than a pleasant and smiling face that exudes happiness!
    • You can add in your nickname if you want to but only after a few minutes of good conversation. You could say: “My name is Samuel but they call me Sam”.
    • To take the talks further, give the other person a peek into your background but make sure it is not too monotonous. During the entire course of this conversation, you should keep in mind the interests of the listener and give him a chance to talk every once in a while.
    • Asking questions can be the basis of two persons getting to know each other. A sort of genuineness is created when this happens. You may ask questions such as: ‘Which department are you from?’ ‘Where do you put up?’ ‘How is the business?’ etc. Don’t forget to listen to the answers!

Via Email
There are cases when you may have to introduce yourself through an email. Since you are not making conversation face-to-face, it is important that you follow a few tips for best results.

    • Always start an email with a proper salutation. This is the first thing that catches the eye of the recipient and thus, instantly forms an impression. Use the name of the person if you are aware of it or simply say “dear sir/madam”. It is inappropriate to use salutations like “dear all” or “to whomsoever it may concern” as these may appear impolite or a rude way of introduction. Others like “dear teammates” or “to my co-workers” are also good starting lines when addressing a group of people.
    • Give a brief note of personal details like name, position and brief background in a maximum of two or three sentences. Maintain humility throughout the letter by mentioning that you are looking forward to learn from them.
    • Wrap up the mail with a good closing line.
    • Most importantly, check for typos and grammatical mistakes before clicking the “send” button.

Over Phone

    • There are times when you need to make that first, and probably, awkward phone call. This should be dealt with care because of a small communication barrier i.e. not being able to see the expressions of the other person.
    • The first thing you must mention is your name. It is not acceptable to say anything before that. Start the conversation with a salutation such as “Hello, I’m Peter here”. You can indicate your professional title as well. If you wish, you can also mention your entire name.
    • Before proceeding, you must indicate whom you wish to talk to. You may say: “May I speak to Miss. Sara?” Even if the intended person picks the call up, it is not wise to assume. In case the person who picked up the phone is not who you intended to talk with, when it is handed over to the right person, re-introduce yourself.
    • Do not forget to confirm whether the person is free to talk for a few minutes. Again, it is not safe to assume that the person is free.
    • Following this, mention the purpose of the call. For instance, you can say: “I am calling on behalf of ABC consultants with regard to a job opening.”
    • You must speak clearly and slowly while talking on the phone. Use a moderate volume and make sure that the other person understands what you’re saying.
    • Always remember that listening is very important.
    • At the end of the call, express your pleasure at talking to the person.

These are some of the instructions that you’d need when introducing yourself to people in different situations. Hope the article has helped you sort out how to go about talking to someone for the first time.